19 yo Scotty TDY to Thailand
44’s Metro Van_Thailand 1971
Beach_Club_U-Tapao_1975 1
Boarding_Pass_2_ Utapao_1973
Bob Jones & Sweet Pooying_1973
Bucky Crenshaw and Jessie Bynum and Chuck Lockwood
Bucky Me and Unknown_1915
CH-52 & Control Trailer 1-1
CH-53 & Control Trailer 2-1
CH-53 & Control Trailer 3-1
DC130_Utapao_1973_LTV251 Mary Ann
DC130_Utapao_1973_LTV251 Mary Ann2
Drag-N-On_Hugh_ Olan_Hump, Hicky-Po_Bodo_Scotty_Jerry
Flightline_U-Tapao_1975 1
Hoochmaids by hooch in 600 area – 1973
Humphreys Narocki Scotty HSmith -Sept 1971
Humphry Webb Unk Naroki – 44 hootch 1971
Jeweler Martin Scotty Thailand 1971
Joe Smith and Buck Red Horse1
Joe Smith and Buck Red Horse2
Jun 1975 Kak, Rose & Bea -1
June ’76 Rosie Roads PR 1-3
June ’76 Rosie Roads PR 2-1
June ’76 Rosie Roads PR 3-1
Lopez_Unk._Thomas_Utapa Beach Party
Martin the Bottom 6 Jeweler
Me & The Buffalo Hunter Hat – 1
Mollie the Hooch Maid_1973
Schmidtt_Pappy Bunch_Thailand 1971
Snagged drone 150-200 feet below
The kid outside the hooches at Nakhon Phanom aka NKP Thailand recovery base
Thomas_Dueotch – Utapao 1971
Utapao_Thomas’s House – Aug 1971