Albert Carangelo MSgt. USAF Ret.
Age: October 29th, 1940 – you figure it out (smile)!
Marital Status: Single at the present time. Was married for 37 years when my wife Gloria passed away on April 03, 1997, after a long illness.
Presently going out with Catherine (Cathy) my significant other, for the past 10 years. Cathy was my high school sweet heart. Good story, too long to put in this BIO.
In December of 1966 I received orders for Davis Monthan while assigned to the 71st TAC Missile Squadron @ Bitburg Air Base, Germany. I was working on the Mace Missile along with Tom Yunger, Don Gary, Charles Ward, Clifford (Lefty) Mann, and I can remember who else. I have CRS so I will have to look that info up.
I was stationed at Davis Monthan AFB, AZ from Jan 1967 to June 1976. During this short period, smile! I work on just about every drone we had. My tour @ DM included many TDY’s that included Bien-Hoa RVN, Osan Korea, Utapao Thailand, Holloman AFB, NM, San Diego, Elgin AFB, Fl, Edwards AFB and several other places I can’t even remember. Yes I do, I just can’t say. TDY time while @ DM was close to 4 years. How the hell did we survive? I believe only because we looked out for one another and did the very best, because we were the “BEST EVER”.
In 1974 I was assigned to the Quality Control Section as supervisor under the DCM for the 100th AMMS squadron. This was a trying and challenging position but again teamwork prevailed as I had a lot of help from the group, especially from Butch Wilkins. With his advise and the experience I received in this area led to a very successful career @ Cape Canaveral AFS to include Harris Corporation (Government Systems) after I retired from the service.
In June of 1975 I applied for an opening at Patrick AFB, FL as a Missile Tech Controller and was assigned to 6555th Aerospace Test Group, Cape Canaveral AFS, FL. In 1976 I was assigned as Satellite Mechanical Systems Supervisor and held this position until until I retire on March 1st, 1980 with 21 years of service.
On March 17th, 1980 I went to work for Harris Corporation (Government Systems) as a First Class Inspector. I traveled extensively to various customer locations and was promoted to Lead Inspector in 1981. In 1982 I was promoted and assumed the responsibility as Quality Control Supervisor for Propriety programs assigned to Government Aerospace Systems Division. Another challenging position that had approximately 57 inspectors to supervisor and over 19 programs assigned to the Division. Again if it was not for the outstanding personnel assigned I could not have been successful. They supported me in all my endeavors to include the 14 years that my wife was ill. I held this position until I retired in October of 1998 with 18 years of employment with Harris.
After Cathy and I became re-acquainted we traveled extensively for the next five years visiting Canada, Italy and Mexico including numerous States while bouncing back and forth between Connecticut and Florida. In 2003 I got bored, sold my motor home and went back to work part time working for Harris Corporations. I was working with Buoy Systems assigned to Maritime Communication Systems a subsidiary of Harris. I enjoyed working part time because I could still traveled when I wanted. My health went down hill after developing Coronary Heart Disease and Chronic Fibromyalgia so I decided to hang it up with a total of 21 years with Harris.
At the present time I am working on bringing my 1965 Mustang Convertible up to show status. I sold my 1965 Pontiac 2+2 that I had in Tucson, Butch Wilkins (there’s that guy again bailing me out) he rebuilt the engine in 1974 and I sold the car in 1987 for a lot more then I bought it for. I also had a 1930 model “A” for several years and sold that and picked up a 1965 Mustang Notch Back (389) 4-spd beauty. I sold that when I bought the Mustang Convertible 3 years ago. As you can tell, I still like old/classic cars. Maybe I start looking for another motor home (RV)!
Well I think that raps it up for now. I am looking forward to reading all the BIO’s and hope that we can all get together at some point.
I believe we have a vision and a goal that is worthy to pass along to our friends, family and others that would like to know about the “BEST OF THE BEST”.
Please feel free to contact me; I welcome all calls and questions.
Al Carangelo
(A member of the 100th AMMS “The Best Team Ever”)